Arthroscopy Scope is an Endoscope Used for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Joint Diseases

Arthroscopy involves a lens attached to the end of a thin tube that is inserted into the joint, displaying the internal structure of the joint on a monitor, allowing for direct observation of the internal structure. Arthroscopy is not only used for diagnosis of diseases but also for the treatment of joint diseases.

1. The basic structure of arthroscopy is an optical system:

In the center is a rod lens system for image collection, surrounded by fiber optic cables for importing light sources and a metal protective sheath on the outside. It consists of the arthroscopy lens, camera, host, display, and cold light source. Arthroscopy is used to insert into the joint cavity, and the rod contains a set of fiber optic cables and a set of perspectives. Fiber optic cables transmit light into the joint, and the perspective transmits internal images of the joint. Outside the joint, a light cable connects fiber optic cables to a cold light source, so the cold light source can illuminate the joint. A camera connects the lens to the host and the display, reflecting internal images of the joint on the monitor. By establishing tiny incisions on the skin, arthroscopy is placed into the joint, connected to imaging and display equipment, allowing direct observation of the joint structure and disease. Special instruments are used to treat joint diseases, thereby avoiding many open joint surgeries.

2. Indications for arthroscopy:

Arthroscopy is used in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, such as meniscus injuries, anterior and posterior cruciate ligament rupture, joint cartilage injury, joint loose bodies, osteoarthritis, inflammatory joints, pigmented villonodular synovitis, crystal arthritis, infectious arthritis, and traumatic arthritis.

3. Advantages of arthroscopy:

Arthroscopy allows almost all parts of the joint to be visible, providing a more comprehensive view compared to open joint surgery. The image is enlarged, providing a more accurate view. The incision is small, causing less trauma and scarring, and resulting in faster recovery and fewer complications. In some instances, the patient can return to activity immediately after anesthesia, which increases patient confidence in overcoming the disease. Arthroscopy surgery often achieves immediate results for the diagnosis of difficult joint diseases and for treating joint pain that has plagued the patient's life for years.

(1) The incision is small, aesthetic, avoiding stimulation symptoms caused by scars on the joint's surface and motion position in later stages.

(2) The surgery is minimally invasive, causing little pain and small postoperative reactions, which makes it easier for patients to accept.

(3) The patient can move and use limbs early after surgery, avoiding long-term bed rest complications, reducing the number of caregivers and costs.

(4) The incidence of complications is relatively low.

(5) The surgery does not affect the structure of the muscles surrounding the joint, and early functional exercise can be performed after surgery, preventing the costs and complications caused by prolonged immobilization of the joint.

(6) Joint lesions can be observed and examined in near-physiological conditions, referred to as "putting eyes and fingers into the joint," improving diagnostic capabilities, and establishing certain diseases such as synovial plica syndrome through arthroscopy.

(7) Arthroscopy can help perform surgeries that were difficult to complete with open surgery, such as partial meniscectomy.

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